Our Mission

In Mark 16:15 Jesus said, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. That is the vision of Daily Walk In The Kingdom Ministries. Our desire is to go and to preach the Word of God. The Lord Jesus came to give us abundant life and we have a mandate to go and share that life with people. Missions is the very heart of God. Our command is to preach the gospel both locally and abroad. When the Word of God is preached, Jesus declares in Mark 16:16 that he that believe and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believe not shall be damned. We have been blessed to “go” to 17 countries and minister the gospel and see many come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. How fulfilling it is to see people change, get planted in a church, and grow in the things of God. After having co-pastored and pastored a missions-minded church for 27 years, missions continues to burn in our hearts. Having retired from pastoring gives us the opportunity to “go” at anytime and to help missionaries on foreign soil when the need arises. We are here to serve, teach, train, and encourage others in their daily walk in the kingdom!